06 January 2011

Two roads diverge in the wood...

I have officially set out to find out exactly who I am. This certainly isn't about discovering whether my favorite colour is pink or yellow. It's about about the nitty gritty of why God chose to make me. I'm created in His image- what parts did he give me? And how can I flesh them out. I have a daughter now and it is always quite interesting to watch other babies and see what is very uniquely IVA and what is typical of a wee one her age. We all are very similar because we are human. But God is the master of creativity. We are all unique. I have met people who can show more love and grace than I can, and I can show a lot. I have met others who can make me laugh till I cry and my face hurts. Others speak words of honey out of their mouth and I am inspired. These wonderful qualities each come from a Father and Creator who designed us. My husband builds things and takes pictures, John and Jared paint, Beth sews, mom crochets, Aaron and Titus play music. All of these creations come from design. Not everything we set out to create turns out as we envisioned or hoped. But that is only the case with God when we are the ones who muck it up. I cannot help but wonder (more than I should spend my thoughts on) what God's true plan and desire for me was. But now it is different. I can say that with confidence because there are too many choices I have made that certainly did not come from a plan derived by God. This is when I thank God earnestly for the story of Joseph and His gracious reminder to us that He takes evil and uses it for good. His good. So, here I am. What is in store? I have never been more excited to know. I have finally stopped looking at people around me and I am looking to my Father, my creator. He knows me and cares about how He made me and who He made me to be. I believed with all my heart that God was done with me, ashamed of me and could not use me. But God does not make anything useless. We may break, but He is the ultimate repairman. He wants to make something of me. I've exhausted myself trying to become what I think someone else might appreciate more. That is not God's intention for me. What does He want from me, and how can I use the qualities He gave me to achieve it. There is one thing I do know about myself. I love nature. I worship God best in nature. This is one thing I learned about myself this past year. I was greatly discouraged and had a heart to heart with God about the fact that I am not an avid reader and yet His means of communication is the biggest book ever. Where do I start, how do I find what I need NOW?? God allowed me to understand that finding a quiet time with Him in a cool breeze with the sun on my face; stopping for a moment to appreciate how the sun is coming thru the trees, over the mountain, thru the clouds; being awe-struck at the way snow falls, a river runs, the leaves change; these are moments with Him. I can come closer to God studying His creations and He takes pleasure in that. Now. That does not exclude me from His Word. After all, how would I know to study nature...Go to the ant you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise...if it weren't for His Word. I have a responsibility to memorize His words, then He will use them in me. I love the movie the Book of Eli. Not only because it is awesome to know that God's Word can never be destroyed, but when the words themselves are in your head, God can use them in your every day life in powerful ways. Phenomenal.

14 May 2008


To a black lab. so much fun. saving lives is great, even if is a tiny puppy.

Sophie and her NINE squirmy squeeky babies.


I am SO bad at names. dumb dumb dumb. so bad at names. so awkward.

13 May 2008

The life and times....

I suppose the beginning is a good place to start.
I hated Lafayette. Maybe it wasnt Lafayette itself, because obviously some people seem to be happy there. I didn't fit. at all. I was so frustrated I was becoming someone else. I finally got out of Purdue. That helped. I loved being a phlebotomist. Everything about it. The rigorous schedule, the varying places we went, the job itself, all the different people I met. but I was still in Lafayette. For New Years Abram and I, along with Titus and Kelly, met his family down in Daytona, Florida for the Curtis family Christmas and New Years celebration. It was a much needed time away and the beach was fantastic and even in a cramped little room meant for two, the 7 of us had a pretty good time. Conversation always revolves around the shop with Abram's folks and they were in a tough place with it at that moment. They had sold it to a friend and the friend no longer wanted it, after just a couple of months. We played "Cash Flow" a lot while we were there. (Haven't played it? You best get playing) It's the game of Life and Monopoly on steroids. Between the game playing and the shop talk, I ever so slightly jested to my father in law that I should buy the shop. He shrugged and said, Ya, you should. Back in Lafayette and sticking people with needles, I get an email from him a couple days later. "Dear Sarah, Would you consider purchasing Spill the Beans?........This is kind of radical, but think about it and maybe we can talk some next week. Of course we would work out a sweet deal for you to be able to buy it! Love ya both, Papa"
I chuckle and look at Abram. If this were a "deal" in the game I wouldnt blink an eye, I would buy it. I've always wanted to have my own coffee shop. I sure wouldn't mind moving, even if it is back to Greenville. We think, we pray, we talk. on the first of February I gave my two weeks notice at the Indiana Blood Center. Valentines Day, Abram is fighting a 104 degree fever and serious illness and I am packing up our entire house. Papa drives up and helps pack the Uhaul. We drive down to Greenville on the 17th, leaving Abram with a mattress, a pot, pan, plate and cup, a chair and cleaning supplies. And my cat. Yes, I let Abram keep Clive for the duration. We arrive Sunday afternoon, sign papers Monday afternoon and on Tuesday, the 19th, I walk into my shop and start learning the ropes. I pretty much had it in my mind that I was going to have to let all the employees go and start over, but turned out they were pretty decent and I still have most of them along with some great ones I hired myself. I've had to fire one just days after I hired him, one has quit b/c he wanted to meet "Mrs. Right" and there just wasnt time. ha ha ha and I've fought a few on training. One thing I like about myself is that I am a fast learner and when it comes to really simple things I wonder at people who dont learn quickly. I went to school to be a teacher and, thanks to Dr. Jacquot, I am finally applying a lot of things I learned. I've had a lot of jobs that I really hated, but it is phenomenal how all of them are playing into what I need to do with the shop. Whether you think of me as such or not, I am very laid back and I have found that is NOT a good quality in running a business. Ambition, almost aggression (positive aggression) is really necessary. I am really enjoying nurturing that quality. what I love the most are the people I meet - other business owners. I love that when interesting people come in - an entire soccer team from Liverpool, I have complete freedom to walk up to them and have a long conversation. This is my shop and I get to make them feel welcome and ask them questions and its not awkward. Back to the employee thing, I'm not exactly... well, bossy. Beth told me "just pretend like they are your little siblings" problem, not only am I the youngest child, but I'm used to bossing little kids who will shape up or sit in the hall way. Ya, you cant sit these "kids" in the street and my business depends on them. So there is a tremendous balance of being a great boss that they want to work hard for and fierce boss that they WILL work hard for. I'm getting better.
there are some intense difficulties that I am working through that I will not list in detail here. But all prayers are appreciated. Abram is a rock. I love that we are doing this together. It was tough, the 3 weeks without him, and the last week I thought I would fall apart, ok, so I did one time... when my cat got tossed outside by someone I wont mention (not Abram!!), nor will I go into the story, but Abram forged the freezing cold in the middle of the night and found him and a few days later they were both down here and the real chaos began. I was in this pattern of being at the shop. suddenly Abram was here and I was completely disregarding things I had been focused on! So, it took me a while to get into the groove of being with him again and keeping on the business. I do everything - from purchasing, inventory, payroll, schedules, hiring, stocking, to working the register, scooping ice cream, going to the bank, Sam's Club, etc etc etc. Many days I have opened the shop at 7am, worked all day and closed everything down at midnight, just to start again the next day. Somehow 17 hour days go by fast when you are running full throttle. My stress levels were definitely rising, but God's grace and a strong husband keep me grounded, and i have taken some healthy strides in becoming a peaceful person, resting in God.
We are moving the shop across the street to a much larger location with amazing potential and we are very excited. But it doubles the work right now. thankfully Abram can be in charge of that while I continue to run the shop.
so, come down and visit and have some coffee!
guess this is long enough for now :)

11 January 2008

January 11

All the way up until this last week I have wondered why people get so upset about turning 30. In fact, for the last few months, I would often say when asked how old I was "I'll be 30 in January". I dont feel old and its all a state of mind, right?....??? Or is it not so much a matter of "old" but more the fact that you are almost to the halfway mark of the average life span and you feel all in a rush to get another degree... or something like that. Or is it more that you are simply not in your 20's, the young, fun, exciting years and realizing you really have to be an adult now... for real. For me its been a matter of looking back on my life, while, yes, taking a big gulp that I am no longer in my twenties, and wondering what its been all about so far. I've consoled myself with things like - - in the last decade I have received my bachelors degree, gotten married, lived in three states, had several good... ha ha, that's funny that I even started to say that, I have really not enjoyed most of my jobs!!! Ok, so I had jobs that paid the bills and a couple good ones tossed in :); I have traveled to three countries, 11 or so states, bought a house, run a mini marathon, and hopefully some other valuable things that are just slipping my aging mind... groan.
But more than anything, I have really found myself reflecting on people. People that mean a great deal to me and whom I cherish. People I miss. This past year I have been so deeply thankful for the opportunity to reunite with old friends. Reconnecting with people who have known you intimately in the past is very healthy for the soul. It revives a person. I miss my friend Beth every single day for every reason in the world. I want to drive to Lakewood for the weekend and hang out with my college extension pastor's family. I would love to meet my friend Jes at a coffee shop because we have our own little book club. I wish Steve and Molly still lived across the hall. I want so much to be able to go over to my sister's house any time I want to or have all the munchkins for the weekend. I always miss my dad. More and more I miss my mom. She was 30 when I was born and although most of my young life while she was alive I didnt get to know her very well, I am grateful for the time I have had looking at pictures with my grandma and hearing stories about her. I miss the idea of her. I wonder if she was a better friend than I am. Abram loves the line from Dances with Wolves "Folks back home are saying - Why dont he write?" If good intentions were actually any good I'd be a great friend. but I find them to be quite worthless when I find time slipping by and realizing there are a whole lot of people who dont know how much I love them and how much I think about them.
A new year, a new decade in life. I believe the best is yet to come and I am excited about it. So to those whom i wish I could have over for coffee and cake but are tooo stinkin far away - Happy New Year.

check it out, 4 months have passed since I last posted.

12 September 2007

awe, that's nice, huh. bummer. again

Sarah, Thanks for getting back with me. I apologize it took me a little longer to get back with you. Since what we were considering was different than our original plan, I wanted to make sure we thought through (and discussed it) well. And to be honest, trying to get ready to open makes the days scream by, I should have been more on top of it.

I am happy for you that you found something that you can get behind and push forward, which is what I think you are after. Please do keep us in mind if something changes. I guess what it came down to is that we really need someone who has the spirit and passion to get behind what we are trying to accomplish and help us figure out how to make that happen, deep experience or not. You seemed to fit that. I wish you the best and look forward to seeing you someday dropping by the shop. Your first one is on me!



Hello Sarah,

I hope this finds you well. I wanted to check in with you about the opportunity we have with Local Mountain. As I mentioned when we met, I had originally looked at the position we have that met you financial needs to be someone with coffee shop management experience but after spending a little time contemplating it, considering your energy and desire for an entrepreneurial opportunity, I would like to have an opportunity to speak with you if you have an interested in pursuing the position. If you could drop me a line or give me a ring that would be great!
I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,


Oh well. things happened the way they did for a reason, right?
A. he offered it to someone and they didnt' accept so he resorted to me, or
C. he really did contemplate me for almost two weeks and want me to run his coffee shop...
hmm, bets? guesses?

05 September 2007

jobs and such

Where did I leave off? Oh, yes, I had an interview Monday, the 27th with the Indiana Blood Center. No offense, but I've come to dislike the question "how did it go?" Unless they say "We hate you, never show your face here again" or "We love you, when can you start?" then I really have no idea how to answer that question. It was a typical interview. She asked me questions such as "How do you feel about diversity" and I answered all of them as though I were the most fantastic employee one could ever ask for. I even commented regarding that. "I sound like the perfect employee, dont I!" She responded, "this is an interview and you would be silly to not make yourself sound that way, but I am enjoying your answers"
It ended with "I have three more interviews and HR needs to do some background work and we'll let you know around the end of the week"
so, to the many questions I got throughout the week I simply replied, I dont know anything yet.
Friday I met with the coffee shop guy. We talked about my experiences and his needs and such and in the end he requested that I give him the weekend to think about it. He had really been hoping for a seasoned manager that could just step in and take over, but since I could not report such experience on my resume, he was unsure if he wanted someone so green. Understandable. fair enough.
I get home from the interview and there is a message on my phone from the Blood Center. "... we would like to offer you the full-time position of blood collection technician... please call us Tuesday to discuss this further..."
phew, the coffee guy has all weekend to think and so do I.
After much discussion and idea rolling around, Abram and I have decided that the Blood Center is going to be the best bet. The coffee shop would be an awesome experience but we are pretty hesitant about the location. Its in a little strip mall in the parking lot of Meijer. eh.
"dont worry, baby, some day you will own your own, and that will be a whole lot more fun and worth your time..." my dear husband assures me. :)
I'm pretty excited about my new upcoming adventure. I will be part of a process of saving lives. I will meet so many people and I will be needed, utilized and doing something worthwhile. Now that's a nice feeling!
oh ya, and I get to wear scrubs. that's really the reason I went for the job... :)
thanks for thinking of me, thanks for praying for me, thanks for caring about me. Abram and I have a lot to think about and work through and adjust to, but it will be a great adventure.
oh. I start the 27th with my training in Indy. 10 days of driving to Indy. could be fun. could get old... I'll let you know :)

24 August 2007

here goes

i have an interview with the Blood Center Monday. I'll let you know...