13 May 2008

The life and times....

I suppose the beginning is a good place to start.
I hated Lafayette. Maybe it wasnt Lafayette itself, because obviously some people seem to be happy there. I didn't fit. at all. I was so frustrated I was becoming someone else. I finally got out of Purdue. That helped. I loved being a phlebotomist. Everything about it. The rigorous schedule, the varying places we went, the job itself, all the different people I met. but I was still in Lafayette. For New Years Abram and I, along with Titus and Kelly, met his family down in Daytona, Florida for the Curtis family Christmas and New Years celebration. It was a much needed time away and the beach was fantastic and even in a cramped little room meant for two, the 7 of us had a pretty good time. Conversation always revolves around the shop with Abram's folks and they were in a tough place with it at that moment. They had sold it to a friend and the friend no longer wanted it, after just a couple of months. We played "Cash Flow" a lot while we were there. (Haven't played it? You best get playing) It's the game of Life and Monopoly on steroids. Between the game playing and the shop talk, I ever so slightly jested to my father in law that I should buy the shop. He shrugged and said, Ya, you should. Back in Lafayette and sticking people with needles, I get an email from him a couple days later. "Dear Sarah, Would you consider purchasing Spill the Beans?........This is kind of radical, but think about it and maybe we can talk some next week. Of course we would work out a sweet deal for you to be able to buy it! Love ya both, Papa"
I chuckle and look at Abram. If this were a "deal" in the game I wouldnt blink an eye, I would buy it. I've always wanted to have my own coffee shop. I sure wouldn't mind moving, even if it is back to Greenville. We think, we pray, we talk. on the first of February I gave my two weeks notice at the Indiana Blood Center. Valentines Day, Abram is fighting a 104 degree fever and serious illness and I am packing up our entire house. Papa drives up and helps pack the Uhaul. We drive down to Greenville on the 17th, leaving Abram with a mattress, a pot, pan, plate and cup, a chair and cleaning supplies. And my cat. Yes, I let Abram keep Clive for the duration. We arrive Sunday afternoon, sign papers Monday afternoon and on Tuesday, the 19th, I walk into my shop and start learning the ropes. I pretty much had it in my mind that I was going to have to let all the employees go and start over, but turned out they were pretty decent and I still have most of them along with some great ones I hired myself. I've had to fire one just days after I hired him, one has quit b/c he wanted to meet "Mrs. Right" and there just wasnt time. ha ha ha and I've fought a few on training. One thing I like about myself is that I am a fast learner and when it comes to really simple things I wonder at people who dont learn quickly. I went to school to be a teacher and, thanks to Dr. Jacquot, I am finally applying a lot of things I learned. I've had a lot of jobs that I really hated, but it is phenomenal how all of them are playing into what I need to do with the shop. Whether you think of me as such or not, I am very laid back and I have found that is NOT a good quality in running a business. Ambition, almost aggression (positive aggression) is really necessary. I am really enjoying nurturing that quality. what I love the most are the people I meet - other business owners. I love that when interesting people come in - an entire soccer team from Liverpool, I have complete freedom to walk up to them and have a long conversation. This is my shop and I get to make them feel welcome and ask them questions and its not awkward. Back to the employee thing, I'm not exactly... well, bossy. Beth told me "just pretend like they are your little siblings" problem, not only am I the youngest child, but I'm used to bossing little kids who will shape up or sit in the hall way. Ya, you cant sit these "kids" in the street and my business depends on them. So there is a tremendous balance of being a great boss that they want to work hard for and fierce boss that they WILL work hard for. I'm getting better.
there are some intense difficulties that I am working through that I will not list in detail here. But all prayers are appreciated. Abram is a rock. I love that we are doing this together. It was tough, the 3 weeks without him, and the last week I thought I would fall apart, ok, so I did one time... when my cat got tossed outside by someone I wont mention (not Abram!!), nor will I go into the story, but Abram forged the freezing cold in the middle of the night and found him and a few days later they were both down here and the real chaos began. I was in this pattern of being at the shop. suddenly Abram was here and I was completely disregarding things I had been focused on! So, it took me a while to get into the groove of being with him again and keeping on the business. I do everything - from purchasing, inventory, payroll, schedules, hiring, stocking, to working the register, scooping ice cream, going to the bank, Sam's Club, etc etc etc. Many days I have opened the shop at 7am, worked all day and closed everything down at midnight, just to start again the next day. Somehow 17 hour days go by fast when you are running full throttle. My stress levels were definitely rising, but God's grace and a strong husband keep me grounded, and i have taken some healthy strides in becoming a peaceful person, resting in God.
We are moving the shop across the street to a much larger location with amazing potential and we are very excited. But it doubles the work right now. thankfully Abram can be in charge of that while I continue to run the shop.
so, come down and visit and have some coffee!
guess this is long enough for now :)


Rebekah Zenn said...

Hey Sarah! I felt the same way about Lafayette- but love the people and the church. Now that we're in Indy I miss them! It was so fun to read about your exciting life change! God bless! :)

Molly said...

Yay, I finally know the story! Thanks for sharing. I am excited for you, but SO bummed that we probably won't see you during our furlough. :( The farthest east we will be is Philly and that only for a couple of days for a wedding. Almost all of our traveling is Midwest stuff. I will be praying for you. Miss ya, friend!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Sarah- A dream coming true :)
Next time you're in Daytona - look us up, we live here

Sarah said...

um - who lives in Daytona?

the rinehart's said...

YOU STINKERS! How could all this happen over 3 months ago and we are just now finding out?! We've been to IN a few times wishing we would run into you and missing you terribly. CONGRATS on the new journey God has intrusted to you. I'm sure it will all work out. We moved in Feb a year before you. Who would've EVER thought that was going to happen when we first met? I thought we were going to have to come visit you in Africa...but for now we can probably do Greenville! It really would be fun to come visit if the business sells! I think of you often...especially with summer coming, I remember our first boat ride with you on that "awesome" lake,our camping trip over July 4th, learning to eat with chopsticks at your house, how you were secretively keeping a cat in your house without telling me, late night campfires, motorcycle rides, laughing at how we looked as teenagers, and so much more! Thanks for all the memories, Sarah. I will never forget you. I hope that we can meet up again! Take care. Lots of Love! R