13 October 2006

Kudos to Charbucks

I received a letter from Starbucks yesterday. While it was a lovely letter, I must say, I think they should hire someone to proof their correspondence before it goes out! :) But, I'll let it go this time since they did take the time to write and include some free drink coupons! Just think, if that gal at the register had just offered the drink free that day, that would have been one cheap drink they "lost". (I'm no fancy-pants, posh, swanky-drink starbucker) Instead, now I have three coupons good for anything I like. "Most expensive thing you've got, please....throw a little bit of everything in there"
So how about that, customer service still has a pulse. I must admit, tho, I have a strong desire to show up at the establishment every morning at 7 juuuuuust to keep them.... you know... accountable!

1 comment:

Troy & Sherry said...

you make me laugh :) Glad you got some free coupons.....so when are you taking me...tee hee! i love ya girlie!