05 September 2007

jobs and such

Where did I leave off? Oh, yes, I had an interview Monday, the 27th with the Indiana Blood Center. No offense, but I've come to dislike the question "how did it go?" Unless they say "We hate you, never show your face here again" or "We love you, when can you start?" then I really have no idea how to answer that question. It was a typical interview. She asked me questions such as "How do you feel about diversity" and I answered all of them as though I were the most fantastic employee one could ever ask for. I even commented regarding that. "I sound like the perfect employee, dont I!" She responded, "this is an interview and you would be silly to not make yourself sound that way, but I am enjoying your answers"
It ended with "I have three more interviews and HR needs to do some background work and we'll let you know around the end of the week"
so, to the many questions I got throughout the week I simply replied, I dont know anything yet.
Friday I met with the coffee shop guy. We talked about my experiences and his needs and such and in the end he requested that I give him the weekend to think about it. He had really been hoping for a seasoned manager that could just step in and take over, but since I could not report such experience on my resume, he was unsure if he wanted someone so green. Understandable. fair enough.
I get home from the interview and there is a message on my phone from the Blood Center. "... we would like to offer you the full-time position of blood collection technician... please call us Tuesday to discuss this further..."
phew, the coffee guy has all weekend to think and so do I.
After much discussion and idea rolling around, Abram and I have decided that the Blood Center is going to be the best bet. The coffee shop would be an awesome experience but we are pretty hesitant about the location. Its in a little strip mall in the parking lot of Meijer. eh.
"dont worry, baby, some day you will own your own, and that will be a whole lot more fun and worth your time..." my dear husband assures me. :)
I'm pretty excited about my new upcoming adventure. I will be part of a process of saving lives. I will meet so many people and I will be needed, utilized and doing something worthwhile. Now that's a nice feeling!
oh ya, and I get to wear scrubs. that's really the reason I went for the job... :)
thanks for thinking of me, thanks for praying for me, thanks for caring about me. Abram and I have a lot to think about and work through and adjust to, but it will be a great adventure.
oh. I start the 27th with my training in Indy. 10 days of driving to Indy. could be fun. could get old... I'll let you know :)


Tricia said...

Yeah for your new job! I love the part about the scrubs. When I worked for a neurologist in Indy (about 5 years ago) the part that I was really excited about was the scrubs. However, when I started they changed the policy to business attire for the front desk. I was so sad! =) Scrubs are so comfy...oh well.

Beth said...

congrats on the job! I bet it feels good to know what's ahead. so, you'll be sticking people? searching for veins? catching the big guys that pass out? wow! sounds exciting. you always were intrigued by those kinds of things! thanks for the update. i'll pray for the training process-and the drive! love ya

Beth said...

so, are you planning a trip up this way before the 27th?

Molly said...

Hey...congrats! I'm excited for you! At least your driving to Indy won't be in the winter...that would be the pits! Take care...love ya!

the rinehart's said...

Congrats! I'd let you do my bloodwork! I'm sure you will enjoy it and be great! Hope it all goes well. love you...r

Unknown said...

Hey babe,
Congratulations. You are my new hero! I love you and think of you often.

Anonymous said...

Super! Look for "Helmer" storage equipment...we keep the blood center equipped. You can say, "I know the guy who designed/developed that equipment...his wife is my mom!!"
Karen Helmer

Molly said...

Hey, congrats on the new nephew! :)