05 October 2006


My Dad very openly hates coffee. He never had a good thing to say about it. So I had to keep it to myself that I secretly liked the smell of Grandpa and Grandma's coffee brewing. It wasnt' till I left the house and went to college... I bellied up to the dining hall table my freshman year with my brother and his friends. Their mugs were filled with steaming hot coffee. I thought I'd try the brew myself. Hold the cream and sugar, no acquired taste necessary. I liked it strong and black from the first taste.

Good things are better and difficult things are bearable with coffee. a movie, a book, conversation, sunrise, sunset, the paper, waiting in line, work... winter (spring, summer and autumn for that matter).

Some of my favorite moments are in a restaurant with a good friend, the meal is over and you are engaged in earnest conversation. But the moment is not complete without that piping hot cup of joe in your hand. "Warm your coffee up, ma'am? yes please...thank you."

Abram once accused me of being addicted. Well, its certainly not the caffeine, as I can drink a cup and go straight to bed. It is a comfort to me. Its just a good thing. And one I can't get enough of. When I'm sad, coffee can actually cheer me, when I'm happy, it adds to my pleasure, when I'm solemn, its a welcome companion.

So, sorry Dad, but in your greatest efforts to turn us all away from the strong drink, your son and youngest daughter hold coffee in a very high regard.


Beth said...

Amen to the whole thing, but please pass the cream and sugar!

Erin Neiner said...

I have to agree with Beth...I like it rich, sweet and creamy!!! (except couldn't drink it at all in my first trimester of pregnancy!! thankfully, it was just a phase!)

Erin Neiner said...

p.s. I have to admit...it's only someone who REALLY loves coffee (a.k.a. addict???) who has a link on their blog for a coffee website!!! :)

Liesl said...

Sarah, remember me? I think i was one of the victims of your first pot of brewed coffee in the camp dorm! I remember it being so strong, you just poured more water through the grounds for another pot! So good to see you on the blog--you're SO skinny! When are you guys going to the mission field (I gathered that you were from the name of your blog).
I love coffee, too. Lukus loved your comments, as it put to words how we both feel about the stuff!