26 October 2006

Just one more...

Abram and I got another game of tennis in last night. We keep thinking each game will be our last for the year, then another sunny day will come and we jump in the car and head to the courts. We were even playing in shorts and t's. We have a lot of fun and I'm getting better just in time for winter... ah well. As cold and rainy as it is today it feels like yesterday was our last game, but we've said that before. so, maybe we'll get just one more!!!


Beth said...

We LOVE to play tennis Sarah! But watch out. We need 2 full courts empty. Poor Jason. I make him run so hard all over the place. Just for future reference though. Playing tennis while your timing contractions while waiting for your baby to come does NOT speed things up! (Jonas was stubborn) Enjoy the last few sunny days. I think they're gone here. :(

sc3b said...

Your energy makes me tired!!

Esther said...

We love tennis too! We haven't played in a while. It might work to take the girls and have them run after all the runaway balls!

Great to see Aaron on your running post too! David runs - he thought your numbers were impressive.

BrookesBlogs said...

ahh how I miss my dear Sarah!
We set up the nets here every once in a great while to play tennis! Makes for an interesting time!! ;) Well... I have to start heading out for class. (being in these trailers sure is rough on cold days when you have to walk so far!!)
Love you lots!