10 October 2006

Since so many college friends have been blogging, I thought I'd put on this picture from Sherry's wedding last December 31. It was so fun to see friends from back in the day. Julie Churchwell is missing from our group photo as she was taking care of Sojourn at the time we all gathered for the picture. Several came to our house after the wedding to "celebrate" New Years. I put celebrate in quotes because none of us old fogies made it to midnight! Pretty pathetic, eh? I think we threw a movie in and Dave was the only one who watched it thru. Was so great to pick right back up after 6+ years... Good friends.


Tricia said...

I'm sure that was fun. You guys were a riot in college.

Troy & Sherry said...

Awe - such a sweet picture of such wonderful friend! i love you friend!

Jen said...

We had such a fabulous time at the wedding and the party at your house afterwards! It was so fun to see everyone again.